The “Old Kitchen,” And The Beginning of A New Era

The “Old Kitchen” was a place of nourishment for so many over the decades. Not only was it the wellspring of countless meals, but it was a central gathering place, a direct channel to the dome, and a harbor for those seeking connection. Due to structural instability, this sacred space has now sat largely unused for far too long.

Last year, Lama Council approved the first phase of renovation: the building of an internal structure that will stabilize and enable future dismantling of the exterior while building anew. In March, the Council approved further direction: The new structure will retain the elegance of the initial design, minus internal posts, and add the capacity for year round use. Lastly, approval was given to begin fundraising, with a goal of approximately $250,000.

What will the ‘Old Kitchen’ be when it is renewed?
And how do we move forward?
We are thrilled to be asking these questions, at last. 

As we head into summer, the first phase, approved and already funded, will begin. Continuing Members, Myles Saigh, who developed the 3-phase reconstruction plan and cost estimate, and Ray Bernhardt, who has agreed to spearhead the reconstruction, will be building the internal, stabilizing structure. This alone will give the community-at-large time to rally together around this exciting project.

While we have yet to fine tune our plans for this new building, we do know that the building’s use(s) will be flexible, with internal spaciousness and capacity for varied use at the discretion of each resident circle, season to season.

At annual meeting this summer we will develop a Design Committee, who will help determine specific features – how much to customize, type of siding, heating options, vent-able window styles, etc. This committee will work with Ray to help determine more specific costs.

Fundraiser, Tracy Cates, will be seeking a Fundraising Team to work with her to spearhead the campaign that will support this work.

We invite all of you to join these discussion as we proceed, and to get involved as you are called to do.

If you would like to join in, or have questions or ideas, please contact:
Bird – or

As a community we will create a new space that represents Lama at the core: for practice, for community, for prayer, for meetings, and for hosting the guest. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to manifest our love and revivify our dreams in Lama Central.

Let’s make the process as beautiful as that which we seek to make.


REMEMBERING – The Old Lama Kitchen

Lama children on the steps of the Old Kitchen (1981).  Arielle, Asha (Bernard) and Jamil inside the kitchen (1981). Photos offered by Asha and Uwais Old Lama Kitchen - A few memories By Irit Umani, June 2023 When I think of Lama’s Old Kitchen, my mind almost...

June Tea ’23

  From Chad Being in NO tea/my body needing to rest/I become a guest. ( thank you) From Jean the glob, it sinks, it floats, it pulls us in, but like healing everywhere, just add a bit of hotwater, whisk and drink, and all of your cares will be gone. From Lesley...

May Tea ’23

From Gerow Purification... Meeting life as it is.... Acceptance orrecognition of the present moment... Respect.... Sense of freedom from "shoulds"   From Karen (who remembered this from another Lama Tea poet) Rains arrived... fire turns tosteam... renewal   From Deb...

April Tea ’23

    From Kathy While turning the compost pile at the retreat yesterday, I remembered this poemBy Sasaki Sanmi “Taking a break, resting my chin on the hoe, I sense the hoe’s strongattachment to this field” From Sakina holding each other gently / we share the...

March Tea ’23

From Ravi Austin through the universeeach space, each planet, each timeMatcha & me From Siddiq Hans von Briesen WE are found objectsWashed ashore in the sea of lifeGrateful to be alive. From Deborah MN Awe, the change of seasons, tea, remarkable and humbling32...

February Tea ’23

What courage, each year, has the treeto once again birth her leaves,her pink cherry blossoms or delicate dogwood petals,knowing in days, weeks or months,they will wither and fall to the ground.So, too, the crocus or tulip,who struggles through the frozen...


Poems written by participants of Lama Tea, June 2, 2022 Prepare to face the moment, just how it happens. — Karen Higgins our attentive preparations join hands with the ringing clash of the unexpected past meets future two hands blessed and blessing — Lesley Maclean...

September Tea

Hopping bunny stops To sniff a morning glory Vining through lettuce — Tracy Cates Return to tea, Return to friends. Love and blessings everyone! — Kate Shane glowing jars of autumn bounty bunny madonnas crickets at my window it's autumn! — Kathy Lyons Hippity HOPPING,...


Lama Tea, July 7, 2022 When we look up at the stars, what do we feel? Do we feel the awesome vastness of space? Do we stop breathing or thinking? Do we feel ever so teeny? Do we feel an inexplicable connection? Is there fear? joy? quiet? heart thumping brain...

A Letter from the Coordinator

Beloved Lama Community, So much has changed for us all in these last few months. Not long ago, residents were deep in retreat for our winter intensives, wondering if the Community Center kitchen project would ever be totally completed, and eagerly awaiting a summer...