Visitors to Lama usually choose to camp. We provide level spaces for tents and also have a limited amount of room for car camping. In addition, we have some indoor dormitory space available, as well as a limited number of private indoor spaces. If you require an indoor space, please reserve it in advance of your visit.
See below for photos of our many housing options.

Retreat Camping
Our retreat camping area provides lovely views. We also have limited space for car camping and small RV's. We do not have any electrical or sewage hook-ups. Larger RV's may have trouble making it up our narrow mountain road.

Women’s Yurt Dormitory

Treehouse Dormatory
The Treehouse is a duplex which provides dormitory style housing on one side and a private residence on the other.

Exterior of the Ark Dormitory

ISC Cells
The ISC cells were the old Intensive Studies Center before the 1996 fire. Some of the resident cells were later restored and now provide guest housing.

Inside the Ram Das Bus

The Buffalo Hut
The Buffalo Hut is tiny but charming. It provides solar electricity and a full size bed.

Front of the Sky Hut
A guest space providing solar electricity, a full size bed and a sky light over the bed.

Heiwa Hut – photo by Stephen Cardinale
The Heiwa Hut provides solar electricity, a queen size bed, a deck and plenty of room for storage.

Teachers House
The Teacher's House is typically where we house the retreat leader. However when there is no retreat, we may open it up to guests.

The Maqbara Hermitage
The Maqbara Hermitage is reserved for people doing hermitage. It sits above Lama, near the gravesites of Murshid Samuel L. Lewis and Murshida Vera Corda. It has a twin bed, stunning views, a wood stove and a simple propane cook stove, but no electricity.

The Bear Hermitage
The Bear Hermitage is reserved for people doing hermitage. It is about a 15 minute walk from the community center and feels very secluded. It has a queen size bed and a simple propane stove, but no electricity.