Making Our Life a Retreat: Tools to Practice and Grow Spiritually in Daily Living

A Silent Meditation Retreat for Youth 35 and Under

With Bhante Rahula & Dharma Gates Staff​

July 14-21
Free to Participants​, Donations/Dana Gratefully Accepted

Join us for a 7-Day retreat with Theravada monk Bhante Rāhula to learn how to integrate the benefits of retreat into daily life. The schedule will include Samatha meditation, Vipassana Meditation, the exploration of Dhamma theory with visual tools, group activities, and technology integration.
For the purpose of accessibility and sustainability, DharmaGates will be selecting participants by lottery with preference given to applicants who are located in NM and neighboring states.
To find out more and to register visit to learn more.

Event starts in...








Bhante Rāhula’s transformative journey began as a prolific musician, mastering various instruments and performing globally. His path took a profound turn when he relinquished his musical career to embrace Theravada monastic life. He toured extensively with his music group Terræ Ignota, directed concerts, composed music for various mediums, and utilized his degree in Music Therapy to teach children about inner harmony through art.

After many years as an artist, Bhante’s focus shifted towards cultivating mindfulness and concentration, and he committed to the Buddhist path in 2004.

He was ordained by Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa, Bhante studied under Sayadaw U Tenjaniya and Sayadaw Dr. Ukkamsacara.
He also completed a Harvard course on Buddist scriptures in 2019 and continues his studies in Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary in Malaysia.

Bhante Rāhula is currently constructing the Mexican Buddhist Center ‘Paññābhūmi’ to introduce and propagate the Buddha’s teachings in South America, and works in support programs for those battling addiction.