How Lama Supports Itself

Lama thrives on many hands. The resident circle performs the bulk of the daily work, both winter and summer, but is heavily reliant on the steward community in the summer for help in the kitchen, preparation of spaces, work in the garden, hauling recyclables and trash, and every miscellaneous thing that arises. Dozens of volunteers provide support wherever it is needed, whether on our solar power system, plumbing repairs, preparing meals in the kitchen, or organizing the library. Visitors and retreatants, often serendipitously, fill much-needed roles, providing knowledge or expertise that is lacking in the current circle. It is truly a community effort.

lama foundation people working in the garden

Summer Stewards working in the garden at Lama

Lama’s finances come from various sources, but we are still heavily dependent on donations. Nearly half the needed income comes from summer programs. The rest is comprised of donations, Flag Mountain Cottage Industries, royalties from the book Be Here Now, hermitage income, guest fees, fundraising events, grants, etc.

two men folding prayer flags

Clif and Stacy Folding prayer flags